Reward the people who are making good choices and taking care. Support the people who are living heart first when it comes to what they put on their plates. Share the love and encouragement of the supportive community.
Opening up that support beyond the borders of the health conscious or the vegans or the environmentalists or the elite athletes or the public health passion to help us live without further pandemics. Every time we support each other we are taking another step in the direction of a better world for all of us.
I like Love Swarm better than Flash Mob. It may sound a little gentler and more comforting. Intention here is to also encourage more people to join in, thus swarm, and if those swarmed are resonant then that support could also be considerably longer lasting than a flash.
My aunt suffered terribly from lupus. Did you know that's a devastating autoimmune disease which is totally reversible with good groceries? The medical community still says it's permanent. My aunt died before we knew better.
Over the years my family and I have had "weird" symptoms which were inconclusive for medical diagnosis but now I see they and so many others' add up to wrong groceries.
It was 1991 when I went vegetarian and I didn't realize it at the time but my previous expectations of not living past 22 had started to slide aside because of that shift in what I was putting on my plate.
Early 2019 I went from mainly beans and rice to loading in the fresh fruits and veggies, and didn't have any desire to keep buying eggs, and dialed the cheese way back. When I tried a pizza with cashew mozzarella I was convinced I had no further need for animal secretions. I started learning about the industry.
Being an early chat facilitator and international networker was some of my favorite work. Gather them in and let's learn and play! So many experiences now useful in supporting plant-based organizations, and organizations which want to include more whole plant food encouragement.
Want to be clear I am Not reaching for YT stardom ! The project goes in the spotlight not me. Also I am not a doctor or a nutritionist or a psychologist or a chef! Not stepping on anybody's toes, I just want very much to shower love and support on people making good choices with their food, and I would like this to become a big enough WE that people notice and the idea of going plant-based or going vegan becomes a good and reachable goal, an accomplishment, in the mass consciousness.
Pseudonyms, met at a sports bar as a favor to a friend. A sweet couple, they were in their very early 20s and John was already suffering from organ failure. Jane had been to emergency repeatedly with various severe health issues and still no diagnosis or effective treatment. I asked them if they had gone plant-based and they said they're trying but it's so weird.
This is a growing subpopulation of mystery illness, secret disease, and it's abominable that the culture has relegated natural nutrition to a bizarre cult weirdness and so out of the ordinary that our young adults don't even know how to go about it.
One of my best friends told me she has never had energy. Haven't I been raving like a mad woman for four years about how awesome I feel since I changed my groceries and how much I've been able to move and do and bounce LOL and it looks like somehow evidently I must have failed spectacularly at being a good human because one of my best friends has been feeling completely lethargic this entire time?
It's been the same for body fat and exercise, people saying it's just your genes. I certainly wasn't born this way. It's not genetics, it's cabbage!
If we want to see more loving support of people saving their health, saving the animals, saving the environment, saving us all from further pandemics, and launching into longevity and showing us what these bodies can really do then we should BE more loving support. Every day.